Mold Cleaners


Mold Cleaners

  • It can quickly clean stains in the mold surface
  • It contains a well balanced PH value which cleans and protects the surface of the mold
  • Regular cleaning and mantenance prolongs the life span of the mold and better performance of the next molding process
Multipurpose Lubricant


Multipurpose Lubricant

  • Multi purpose lubricant is a chemical product to clean, lube and protect the machine or every tools made from metal. 
  • It protects all metals by providing a protective barrier against corrosive environments, including salt water and many chemicals.
Rust Preventive


Rust Preventive

  • It prevents rust and corrosion.
  • It leaves a thin film on exposed metal to seal out dampness and prevent rust and corrosion. Ideal for plastic and rubber molds. 
Silicone Mold Release


Silicone Mold Release

  • It is a spray release agent containing high-efficiency silicone oil, which provides quick, effective.
  • The specially designed nozzle can produce a very fine spray effect, and the amount of spray can be fully controlled.
Dry Film Mold Release


Dry Film Mold Release

  • It is a highly versatile, silicone-free dry film release agent for molding of materials such as plastics, rubber, composites, and similar materials.
  • It allows a dry coating of tools and moldsensures quick and easy removal after molding.
Zero Stick Mond Release


Zero Stick Mold Release

  • It is a long lasting anti-stick film for fast, easy part removal from molds and multiple part releases per application. 
Gas Tank Refill

Gas Tank Refill

  • Use to refill gas into the lighter gas tank for reuse. When your lighter is out of gas or almost out of gas.
  • The dedicated gas pump head is easy to use and quick.

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